
SU CARE团队在这里帮助所有红鹰队寻找资源,并支持 解决 一系列问题和挑战.

Flowers floating in the Chapel of St. 伊格内修斯反射池. 背景:国外博彩app的学生们站着默哀,为土耳其和叙利亚地震的受害者祈祷,他们参加了在圣教堂举行的守夜活动. 伊格内修斯反射池 on campus.

教师, 工作人员, 学生, 家长可以通过拨打非紧急电话来请求帮助或直接帮助学生 在线咨询. Whether the concern is about health & 健康,获得基本需求,或确保安全,我们在这里提供帮助.

如果你对学生的安全或他人的安全有直接的担忧, please call the Department of 公共安全 at 206-296-5911.

Refer a Student to the CARE Team

国外博彩app社区成员经常寻求彼此的支持和关心. 当我们做这项工作时,我们是本着耶稣会的价值观,如 看台personalis. Care means different things to each of us, depending on our experiences, 专业培训, and comfort being in a supportive role. 当你和需要支持的人一起工作或要求和你谈论一个问题时, 我们鼓励您考虑这些指导方针,以了解我们如何向他人展示这种关心. We have framed these as how we support 学生, 而且不管你谈话对象的身份如何,它们都是有价值的.

我们还想重申,如果有人身体受伤, 我们应该把学生转到学生健康中心或去紧急护理中心寻求医疗援助. 如果有人透露了心理健康问题,我们希望鼓励他们与CAPS联系. 如果某人透露的担忧让你担心个人或社区中其他人的安全, please contact the Department of 公共安全 or 911 immediately.


  • Ask to see the student in private, if you feel safe in doing so.
  • 确保你和学生在办公室或会议室见面, or in a public location on campus. 不去私人住宅或宿舍房间,或校外地点.
  • 设置好空间,这样你和学生之间就没有障碍了, and that you both have easy access to the exit if you needed to leave.
  • 如果你身边有其他同事,一定要让他们知道你在开会.
  • Ask the student if they would like the door to be open or closed. 如果你想让这扇门一直开着,那就说明这是你的练习.
  • 从透明度开始,并指出你可能需要披露他们与他人分享的内容.e. hazing allegations, sexual misconduct, danger to self or others). “我想让你知道,如果你和我分享信息,我会担心你的安全, 我要和公共安全部门分享这个,这样我们才能确保你一切安好.”
  • Set a clear expectation for how much time you are available. 如果学生需要更多的时间,你可以安排一个后续时间. – “I have about 30 minutes that we can speak right now. 我真的想确保我能帮到你,所以如果我们以后需要更多的时间,我们可以.”
  • Listen for understanding, rather than judging what they are sharing.
  • Knowing your own boundaries – know how much you are open to hearing, and making sure to refer 学生 to the right supportive offices. – “I’m not an expert in this area, 但我想确保你有机会和真正了解你的人谈谈.”
  • 以一种直截了当的方式与学生交谈,表现出对他们健康的关注,并关注可观察到的行为. – “I have noticed that you appear tired during class, and that your submissions to Canvas have been shorter.” or “When you are speaking to me here, I have noticed that your breath smells like alcohol, and that you are slurring your words.”
  • Be conscious of non-verbal cues (making eye contact as appropriate, 不要交叉双臂, 并且从学生的角度来看,都可以表达对对话的开放态度)
  • Thank the student for sharing. ——“我真的很感激你和我分享的一切,而且你很乐意和我分享.”
  • Affirming experiences of the student. – “I can see that this has impacted you.”
  • 如果你对分享的内容有顾虑,请以非评判的方式表达你的顾虑. – “You mentioned that you are not sleeping because of this incident, and that is really concerning to me.”
  • 询问学生是否与任何人(朋友或家人)谈论过这个问题, 指出孤立在处理问题时很少有用. 仔细听. – “Who else have you spoken to about this? What has happened in those conversations? How have you found them to be helpful, if at all?”
  • Offer resources and supports (referral to counseling, other support). 让学生知道心理咨询是可以获得的、免费的和保密的. 让他们去咨询 & 心理服务(CAPS)、学生健康中心和及时关怀.
  • If you identify that you will conduct some follow up (i.e. email the student to connect them to someone, report to another University official, 提交CARE报告, 等.),尽快跟进,并让学生知道你这样做了.
  • 诊断问题(除非你与某人会面,而你的特定角色是诊断并推荐治疗方法).) - “I’ve done research on racism, and you’re clearly racist.”
  • Diagnosing any other things that going on for the individual. -“你提到你喝了很多酒,听起来你可能酗酒了.”
  • Taking care of it for the student. – “I’ll just call the President and they’ll handle it for you.”
  • 带学生去某个地方或在他们的私人宿舍房间开会.
  • Avoid physical contact with the student.
  • Giving your own opinions about what happened. - “oh that’s definitely hazing” or “you should file a police report.”


协调援助 & 资源教育小组(CARE小组)接收并回应来自校园社区 国外博彩app学生关注的转介. CARE Team services and resources include: 

  • connecting 学生 with on- and off-campus resources 
  • 与教职员工协商如何应对各种担忧 
  • facilitating formal and informal outreach and check ins

CARE Team referrals encompass a broad range of 担忧, 其中许多通常独立于任何 行为 对学生的关注和/或表明一个较低层次的关注,通常不需要紧急干预. Examples of non-behavioral referrals include:

  • 失去所爱的人
  • unusual financial difficulties
  • 粮食或住房不安全
  • feeling overwhelmed with the transition to college life
  • relationship and family 担忧
  • short- or long-term illness or injury
  • challenges getting involved and connected

其他CARE Team转介涉及具体的行为问题,例如:

  • 自杀的想法
  • 严重的情绪困扰
  • 破坏性行为
  • drastic changes in mood, appearance, or behavior
  • threats to the safety of the student or the campus community

If you have information that indicates an immediate safety risk, please call the Department of 公共安全 at 206-296-5911.

CARE Team referrals can be submitted by a student, 家长/监护人, 教师, 工作人员, 管理员, or anyone looking to assist a student or request extra support.

To refer a student for CARE Team outreach, 请使用下面的院长办公室 在线推荐表格.

Refer a Student to the CARE Team

All CARE Team outreach will be conducted with privacy and sensitivity.  有时, information may need to be shared with campus partners outside the Office of the Dean of Students; however, such information sharing will be done with extreme discretion.

我们在这里帮助学生克服成功的障碍,促进一个健康和安全的校园社区. Upon receipt of your referral, 学生主任办公室可以协调向学生提供支持并确定适当的资源. This support may come in the form of:

  • 健康检查
  • non-academic advising and coaching
  • referrals to on- and/or off-campus resources
  • assistance with access to services
  • consultation with the reporting party to help you support the student


我们希望学生和他们的家人知道,如果有任何挑战,你可以联系学生主任办公室, 担忧, or complaints that arise during your time at 国外博彩app.


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